Friday, April 1, 2011

High Blood Pressure Can Be A Serious Problem

Have you noticed that whenever you have to visit your doctor for whatever problem, one of the first things he or she does is check your blood pressure? This is because in all developed western countries today, Hypertension as it is known by the medical profession, is a big problem. The readings taken are known as the Systolic (upper limit) and Diastolic (lower limit) levels, and the concern is that high blood pressure can lead to a number of potentially fatal conditions such as a heart attack, stroke or kidney problems, and yet the sufferer may have no idea that it is affecting them until one of these serious problems occur. It is often referred to as the Silent Killer, because people could easily take steps to reduce it if they were aware that it was too high.

There are some symptoms that you might experience which could be a clue that you may have high blood pressure. For example, regular unexplained nosebleeds, or persistent dizzy spells or headaches. These symptoms may not be that severe or regular however, and are easily overlooked.

The two main factors which regulate your blood pressure are the speed and strength of your heartbeat and the amount of resistance that the blood encounters as it travels round your body. A good strong regular heartbeat is the sign of a healthy heart, but things such as stress and strenuous exercise will cause the heart to beat faster and increase the speed and pressure of blood flow, which can cause problems if there is any narrowing or restriction in any of the blood vessels. Increased resistance to blood flow can be caused by narrowing or hardening of the arteries, veins or small capillaries which connect to all parts of the body.

There are two main types of high blood pressure; essential or primary hypertension, and secondary hypertension. Being seriously overweight can be one of the main causes of primary hypertension, and this often partly due to low levels of activity and exercise. Other factors can be tobacco use, alcohol and stress. Secondary hypertension is mostly caused by pre-existing conditions such as renal or heart problems, so it is likely that these are already being treated.

Most commonly used medications are Diuretics and Beta Blockers which may both cause dizziness and tiredness. Others are ACE Inhibitors, Renin Inhibitors and Calcium Channel Blockers. These medicines are all effective in various degrees but they all have side effects which may be quite severe in some cases.

Finding the root cause of this condition can often mean that you will have to rely far less on these pharmaceutical drugs and will lead you towards a change in your lifestyle and diet.

View the original article here